Samstag, 23. Juli 2016

Finished "Design For Non Designers" MOOC - My Second openSAP Course

While I was in the middle of the OpenUI5 course SAPs learning platform openSAP announced a new course: "Design for Non-Designers".  That sounded interesting then lets face it - the majority of the posts here are about really techie stuff - and not about typography and the likes.

The course was a mix of an introduction into "Design Thinking" and basic design concepts. I learned about personas, storyboards and that prototyping on different level is both, important and fun at the same time. I found that the time was a good investment.

I was glad that I could eventually get some grips on "Design Thinking". I already did a one day workshop at a conference last year but this was a bit pointless.

My course notes are on github so if you are interest feel free to have a look. And yes of course, there is also a record of achievement.

Samstag, 2. Juli 2016

Finished OpenUI5 course

In the last month OpenUI5, the open source version of SAPs own HTML5 framework got more and more popular in the enterprise world. Although compared to AngularJS it is still a niche product.

However, if your common task is to build "boring business web apps" than OpenUI5 might be something for you. It's a one stop shop. It supports coding following the MVC pattern, i18n internationalization, hundreds of controls (widgets), lots of high quality icons and so on.

Their idea is that the main dependency of your business app is OpenUI5 and nothing else.

I spend the last weeks with a massive open online course (MOOC) named "Developing Web Apps with SAPUI5". Here 30k people from around the world learned how to program OpenUI5.

I am glad to announce that I have finished the course and due to the extra task I did I belong to the best 5% - yes.